About Us


The Cause of America is in great measure the Cause of All Mankind" ~ Thomas Paine

Cause of America

Cause of America is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization focused on election integrity.  It's our belief that election integrity and public trust in elections require (among other minimum standards) local public control and radical transparency.   


Mike Lindell

As one of the most vocal and outspoken Americans on the topic of U.S. Elections, Mike Lindell has traveled across the country advocating for free and fair elections.  People consistently asked Mike what they could do to help, how do they get started fixing elections in their cities, counties, and states.  He learned there are many established, active grassroots groups needing resources and help moving forward.  Incredible work is being done… But it needed to move faster and more efficiently. 

Mike knew he had the real-news communications platform with FrankSpeech, but he realized awareness is only part of the answer.  There needed to be a place where people could go to get involved, get information, advice, resources, and to connect all the grassroots organizations.  

Enter: Cause of America

The role of Cause of America is to enable, facilitate and support citizen grassroots action to restore trust in local elections.  It's about building a network of individuals, organizations, and partners who can learn from each other and work together to solve the most pressing issue facing our nation "free and fair elections."

Cause of America is unique.  It's not about building an empire.  It's not a top-down command-and-control organization attempting to control the work of citizens or grassroots groups.  It's the opposite.  A lean, nimble networked organization that provides best-in-class advice and resources to the people on-the-ground who know best how to govern themselves…

Keep checking back as this site and Cause of America develops.  And, if you're so inclined ~ Get Involved! 


FIND THE TRUTH:What's true regarding our elections, election officials, and systems.


Publicize and educate citizens, organizations, groups, the media, policy makers, and public officials.


Restore confidence in elections by holding elected and non-elected officials accountable for conducting free, fair, and transparent elections.  In addition, replacing any physical (including electronic voting equipment), procedural, or statutory election and election related system that interferes with local, citizen control over their elections. 
CONNECT:Enable election integrity groups, efforts, organizations, and partners to share knowledge and resources.